Thursday, March 31, 2011

Word Of The Day

Okay soo today, inexplicably, the word of the day seems to be...

Oh WAIT!  This post includes naughty words, so if you are offended by such things, hate when other people say things you don't like, or am a small wee child of sorts then forward to other content on the interwebs!

Back to what I was saying.

SO... The word of the day is...

Yes you heard right... 
The word of the day seems to be 'dick'.

Why you ask?  Well, it just seemed to be the right thing to say in conversation, and continue to say throughout the day.


Okay so it didn't  really happen that way.  It was brought up as a sentence enhancer to get my point across to watch a Netflix movie on the big TV in the living room. (I don't even know who that girl is!)

So after  the movie I go onto the computer and what do I find...this! (50 seconds in)

I know, more 'dicks', am I right?  Of course I am.
...okay so I guess it isn't too many things to make 'dicks' the word of the day, but I did say it alot since my first utterance of the word...and the video said it alot.

Also do I really need an excuse to blog about the word 'dick'?

I dare say NO! No, indeed.