Sunday, November 6, 2011

Curiouser and Curiouser....

So, I know I've been promising this large huge 'reasons why I was originally gone for so long' post.  But something amazing has happened!

I'm actually Busy!?

I've got some commissions in the works, not to mention the personal stuffs that I've been working on forever, as well as a project that my uncle told me about awhile ago but I really don't remember what it was and he wouldn't tell me what it was?   So basically I'm focusing on the 'paying' stuff, and a mystery project.  It's pretty exciting! (and mysterious)

But yes, while I am a smidgen away from completing the 'Mega Post' I have to put it on the back burner for a few days no worries, it's getting there.

With that said, Good day to you sir!  I SAID GOOD DAY!!

Saturday, September 24, 2011


WHY!! Why do bad things happen to awesome people?!

Of all the horrid monstrosities that could have befallen our beloved little me, why did it have to be this?!
So last night, as has become accustom for the past weeks, I'm sitting on my bed, watching episodes of 'The Big Bang Theory' on the interwebs, when I go to scratch my eye and what do I feel?
A sting.

A slight little sting emulating from my finger.  I look down and holy smokes, fight the fear, hold your momma back....I was bleeding!

A little piddly drop, okay less than a drop, but still there was blood!

The horror!

So whatevs right? nothing big, just an injured finger.  WRONG!  It is not just an injured finger.  It was 'Favorite Finger'!

That's right, my middle finger is down for the count and now I find it difficult to flip off the deserving, or get the keyboard shortcuts for photoshop right.  And even typing out this update has become a task as I am trying to avoid using favorite finger and it is hard!

This is a sad, oh so very sad, even worse than the broken leg!  I don't need the leg to destroy others day with the 'bird' of truth!  But the finger....oh don't remind me!

Through all the doom and gloom, I did find this, and that kind of made the day better.


The 'Big Explanation' blog is coming, just need to tweek a bit.
You have been notified, enjoy your night as I will be crying for the injured little eagle that will someday again be my favorite finger!

Friday, September 9, 2011

A Blast From the Past!


Okay, I know....I've been distant.  Like I've been dodging you on purpose, but don't believe the hype! This is a lie!

I was lazy!  That was the truth!  and this next post is sure to piss you off if you're expecting pictures, as it has no pictures.  But if you'd like to hear me talk about nothing, here you go and congratulations!

Was trolling through my old Myspace blog and decided that, while I am working on an epic picture filled blog update to make up for the absence, my blog posts there still are fekcin' un-bee-weave-able!

Read on, you will not regret it, and hopefully I finish the epic new post soon! Till then enjoy my past follies!



April 29, 2008

 'Yes! I Have The Power!'

Current mood: blissful
I was filling out a survey a little while ago and it asked me something about a basement.
You might have read it as my surveys are the bees knees and make you want to adopt foreign children.
But I answered saying I don't think I've ever been in a basement.  Yes I've seen them on TV and in movies...and we talked about them at block parties....but I've never actually found myself in one.
Now my favorite Youtube personality just posted a new video called 'Basement'...he sings about's great and awsome.
But now I'm all a tizzy about this thing called basement...I must enter one of my own will! (I've read about people getting killed in basements and unless I'm not on the receiveing end of a basement bludgening I don't like!)
But I must go into one...I'm starting to think my destiny is in the basement, like I'll finally free a sword from the stone, or zelda will be down there!  ZELDA!!  What a grand teddy bear picnic that would be!!
Then again, what if by entering the basement there's a shift in the force, and the world explodes from the resulting shift!  What if all the ocean's suddenly dry up and global warming is blamed, until the truth comes out about the basement!  OR or or what if the maceraina comes back, or spandex returns and is accepted as a legitimate fashion trend... or worse...detention!!
Oh such unknowns about the basement!  Almost makes one throw up with the scareys!  But no...I have accepted my destiny!  No matter what the outcome!  Yes!! This journey to the basement of wonders has been accepted and I plan on making it a thing to remember!! 
Hopefully I can enter the basement soon, and then still be able to come back, and tell all of you of my magical journey to the land of Narnia that I know is hidden behind a box in the basement!  oh if only!!

-- Nanas

....But what if it's haunted!?!?!?!? :O

Sunday, May 1, 2011


I know I know....I'm WAY behind on the posts...but school, she is a bitch!

To make up for it I will post a MEME I made. 
First the inspiration!

And now, my rebuttal!

Will make actual post when I'm done with school.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Word Of The Day

Okay soo today, inexplicably, the word of the day seems to be...

Oh WAIT!  This post includes naughty words, so if you are offended by such things, hate when other people say things you don't like, or am a small wee child of sorts then forward to other content on the interwebs!

Back to what I was saying.

SO... The word of the day is...

Yes you heard right... 
The word of the day seems to be 'dick'.

Why you ask?  Well, it just seemed to be the right thing to say in conversation, and continue to say throughout the day.


Okay so it didn't  really happen that way.  It was brought up as a sentence enhancer to get my point across to watch a Netflix movie on the big TV in the living room. (I don't even know who that girl is!)

So after  the movie I go onto the computer and what do I find...this! (50 seconds in)

I know, more 'dicks', am I right?  Of course I am.
...okay so I guess it isn't too many things to make 'dicks' the word of the day, but I did say it alot since my first utterance of the word...and the video said it alot.

Also do I really need an excuse to blog about the word 'dick'?

I dare say NO! No, indeed.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

When I Grow Up

So I'm in my last semester at school, about to get my BA and it got me to thinking.

What the heck am I gonna be when I grow up?

Well, I've got a number of professions open to me. 

I could be a teacher.

What?  They asked!

I could become an advertising guru

 You buy my stuff!  YOU BUY IT NOW!!

A scientist.

 Jell-o's scientific....and I'd eat everyones!!  The world would not be a better place.

A Ghostbuster?

 Poor Lincoln...he's the emancipator!

A pokemon Trainer?

Then how'd he fit in the poke-ball?

Or, finally, a cougar.

I paid for everything!!  Also he spit up on me!!
So, what's the moral of the story?
I got alot of options open to me!  Let's hope I land right where I belong!

Monday, January 31, 2011

ooo Mah Brain


Some school stuff came up that took all my attention, so no real post this week.  
Just this beautiful picture of how I feel right now.

I'm beat!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Enough About You!

And now some inner monologue.

I think people think I'm kidding or just being a jerk when I use those motorized courtesy rascal like wheel chairs they have at department stores and grocery stores.

I broke my Tibia and Fibula bones in my right leg back in August and through some luck and sheer will of bad assery I got a metal rod placed in there and now can walk.  Okay more hobble, but I can get around.

Anyway, sometimes said leg starts to bother me quite a bit (especially when the weathers cold) so I opt for some mechanical help.  But every time I go to pick one of these rascally things, and probably because I walk up to them and look like I'm just playing, I get stares of anger. 

I call them 'Anger Stares'.

(the people pictured are fictional, any likeness to real persons is coincidental...except for the last one...then it's also sad)
I continue to get these anger stares throughout the store whilst doing my shopping simply because it isn't outwardly obvious that I'm of the genus of human known as 'injured', or evolved like a Pokemon into 'old'.

You'd only need to see me walk to get a hint of something being amiss...or have x-ray vision.

So okay I guess I can understand all the stares to an extent. I wear pants most of the time so you can't see my scars, and even if I wore shorts or a skirt the most obvious scar on my knee is usally covered (I'm a lady) and the scars on my ankle are teeny tiny so again, don't give off the signal that I belong in the motor chair that beeps when I back up.

Perhaps, the biggest reason for the angry stairs is the fact that I let my little sister stand on the rascal behind me while we zoom down the isles and make reving noises while doing so.

(another unfinished mis-saved picture I didn't want to redraw. Enjoy!)
I'll be sad when I really shouldn't use these anymore.  *sniff

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Sorry for the long, long, unnecessarily long absence, but I got...sidetracked.

I'm back though, and hopefully I'll stay on top of this thing called blog.

Also dead possum count for 2011 so far:
I'm on a roll!